Going through a divorce is a traumatic situation for everyone involved and can negatively impact physical and mental well-being. People handle these matters in various ways and look for outlets to help cope with the devastating stress. Finding a healthy outlet to manage the overwhelming amount of challenging feelings is integral to softening the damage.

Figuring out what works best for you is not a one-size-fits-all solution; it can be trial and error to find something suitable for your emotional needs. Some people turn to exercise, picking up a new hobby, yoga, or blasting music. This blog is going to discuss the benefits of using music to help us cope with difficult events.

The Impacts of Divorce

The pain of a divorce can be debilitating and adversely influence our work, school, and home life. It pulls focus from our immediate priorities and requires us to address all of the aspects that come with divorce. When we’re stressed, our heart rate, blood pressure, and cortisol levels increase, and for that reason, cortisol is referred to as the stress hormone. When the body is exposed to excess stress for an extended period of time, it can cause exhausting states of fight or flight. So lowering cortisol levels is imperative for our health.

Incorporating music into everyday tasks can alleviate anxieties and take the mind to a better place. Mental health professionals have encouraged their patients to consider music therapy. Some music therapy methods are learning to play an instrument, writing songs, composing music, singing, or just listening to music. Music is a cost-effective way to address our emotions.

Positive Impacts of Music On Health

Over the years, there have been several studies on the positive impact listening to music has on our health and how it can be a tool to improve several bodily functions. Most of these health benefits are interlocked, as our mental and physical health can rely on each other. Some of the most prominent health benefits of listening to music are:

Where one aspect of our health improves, another is likely to improve. When our quality of sleep betters, it can be a domino effect; increasing endorphin and dopamine levels which can improve our mood and immune system. With the studies on music improving health, there isn’t a specific genre that is favored; it’s up to the individual what music or song resonates with them.

We need to pay attention to how our minds react to the music we’re listening to. Choosing songs that make us feel good or remind us of joyful memories can improve our mood. Or we might need to play melancholy songs if we need to release a few tears. The music we choose doesn’t always have to be uplifting tunes; we can also benefit from listening to songs from our past to acknowledge the pain we’ve gone through and are currently experiencing. A significant aspect of turning to music is that it’s an excellent way to navigate through a challenging event such as divorce and can help people of all ages.

No matter the circumstance, a divorce can be a painful ordeal. Hopefully, after reading this and learning about the benefits of music, you can find ways to include music in your day and reduce the stress you may be experiencing. Contact us today to learn how we can help you during this difficult time.

Here are a few of the studies and extra resources about music therapy:

Music, Mental Health, And Immunity

Music As Medicine

The Power Of Music To Reduce Stress

Psychological And Physiological Signatures Of Music…

The Music That Helps People Sleep…

Music Therapy Reduces Stress…

How Music May Affect Your Heart

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